Like animals and plants, data too has a life cycle. It goes through various changes from its inception to its destination. When dealing data maturity – that helps maintain high standard data quality – it is necessary for organizations to understand the li ...
How organizations can prevent data security breach?
Antonio Neri, the CEO of Hewlett Packard Enterprise, had said in 2019 that "Data is the new currency". Neri had seen how companies were evolving with data. This digital transformation is still underway and likely to continue. With data being equivalent to ...
Why should you use a data management system?
Data management is the practice of collecting, storing and using data effectively and securely so that data can drive the decision-making process. Effective data management is crucial to companies that want to develop a data culture. It is a component of ...
Why do you need a Single Source of Truth?
More than a decade ago, companies were focused on accumulating data. Collecting data was important as there was not enough to make informed decisions. Now, there is an overwhelming amount of data. But, companies are still not able to make data-driven deci ...
Data Culture Assessment: A step toward building Analytics Maturity
Organizations are now more and more taking advantage of data to bolster themselves. Companies are using data to make decisions instead of relying on intuitions or just past experiences. This forms the basis of data culture – when your company applies data ...