person making repeat purchase

The 5-Stage Customer Retention Cycle

Startups who neglect customer retention are essentially leaving money on the table. This is because there's a lingering myth that growth equals customer acquisition. The reality? True growth balances new customers with keeping the ones you already have. ...

Level up your marketing game with LTV

How Lifetime Value (LTV) Maximize Your Marketing ROI

When it comes to deciding on marketing budget and marketing strategies, the marketing executives pull up last year’s marketing cost, customer growth, and revenue; and depending upon the next year’s targets (which are mostly set by the top management), the ...

How to get started with Customer Segmentation

How to get started with Customer Segmentation

“It’s not the customer’s job to know what they want.” - Steve Jobs Back in the days when there were no automobiles, if Henry Ford had asked people what they wanted, they would have said “faster horses.” Companies cannot innovate by asking people what the ...

How to do acquisition analytics the right way

Acquisition analytics: how to get more customers

“Get closer than ever to your customers. So close that you tell them what they need well before they realize it themselves.” - Steve Jobs As a growing company, you understand the importance of bringing in new customers. But do you know if you're fully lo ...

Leave risk behind by embracing customers’ needs

Every customer has his/her own needs and preferences. These needs drive customer buying  behaviour. Customer experience is a critical factor that determines the referral and brand advocacy from the customers.  Everything falls into place once their ex ...

Customer retention

Customer retention: Loyalty has its perks

Every business needs new customers to grow. Some of these customers continue to buy the business' product and soon become a valuable part of the company. While acquiring new customers are important, companies also tend to focus on retaining their loyal cu ...

Customer acquisition

How to acquire new customers?

For businesses to flourish, they need to constantly acquire new and valuable customers. The process of bringing in new customers is called customer acquisition and is a part of customer analytics. While the process sounds simple, actually acquiring cus ...

Cohort analytics

How to use cohort analysis?

Cohort analysis is a technique used in several analytical methodologies, including customer analytics, for dividing users into groups with common characteristics. Analyzing these groups, or cohorts, can help companies understand user behavior. Cohort a ...

Customer segmentation

Customer segmentation and its importance

Customer segmentation is a methodology under customer analytics used to group customers or products with similar characteristics into meaningful segments. The process allows companies to target customers better and serve them in a more fitting manner. ...

All you need to know about Customer Analytics

Customer analytics is a process by which data from customer behavior helps make critical business decisions via market segmentation and predictive analytics. Businesses use this information for direct marketing, site selection, and customer relatio ...

Neural network

Neural Networks: what they are and their importance?

One of the business problems we encountered a while ago involved identifying customers who subscribe to a company's next best product, neural networks can help us determine that. There was tremendous customer data and a plethora of information hidden i ...