"Experimentation is the least arrogant method of gaining knowledge. The experimenter humbly asks a question of nature." - Isaac Asimov One thing that a company should learn to do, that can accelerate its growth many folds is running effective experiments ...
Acquisition analytics: how to get more customers
“Get closer than ever to your customers. So close that you tell them what they need well before they realize it themselves.” - Steve Jobs As a growing company, you understand the importance of bringing in new customers. But do you know if you're fully lo ...
Customer analytics: How to meet individual customer needs?
“The goal as a company is to have customer service that is not just the best but legendary.” – Sam Walton Over the past 100 years, a lot had changed from when firm owners knew customers by their name, individual needs, and personal preferences. Customer ...
Leave risk behind by embracing customers’ needs
Every customer has his/her own needs and preferences. These needs drive customer buying behaviour. Customer experience is a critical factor that determines the referral and brand advocacy from the customers. Everything falls into place once their ex ...
How Aryng identified $500K+ in incremental revenue for Kiva...
The risk of failure is congenital for every start-up. Blame it on cost challenges, poor product-market fit, or the inability to reinvent the wheel. Whatever the reason, it could feel frustrating to find yourself as a failure. I understand!! Ho ...
Customer retention: Loyalty has its perks
Every business needs new customers to grow. Some of these customers continue to buy the business' product and soon become a valuable part of the company. While acquiring new customers are important, companies also tend to focus on retaining their loyal cu ...
How to acquire new customers?
For businesses to flourish, they need to constantly acquire new and valuable customers. The process of bringing in new customers is called customer acquisition and is a part of customer analytics. While the process sounds simple, actually acquiring cus ...
How to use cohort analysis?
Cohort analysis is a technique used in several analytical methodologies, including customer analytics, for dividing users into groups with common characteristics. Analyzing these groups, or cohorts, can help companies understand user behavior. Cohort a ...